Kiln loading
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Series:Automatic separation pick up brick
Description:Automatic separation picking brick brick realized instead of doing picking, handling and stacking of automation, can fully meet the requirements of the brick is back staggered upright, dichroic stacked ceramic brick factory. The pick up brick to break the traditional brick pick design ideas. Using chess intends artificial arm to pick up a new way brick design, simple mechanical structure is reasonable, said that given the overall performance and reliability. Yung households use energy efficient. Convenient maintenance. It enables users to reduce cost of production radically solve the employment problem. Brick unique loss prevention protection devices. Reduce wear brick, unique single line multi-mode mechanical meat dish, one operation to achieve the production, completely replace the manual picking up bricks.....
Series:Kiln Unloading Machine
Description:It's suitable for 600 t0 1,000 brick to stack automatically when the brick out of kiln and let the brick cool off in the shelf, meanwhile,it'S useful for tiles to work smoothly in the post production. ....