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  • China's ceramic machinery industry faces two majo.2015-12-23

    It is understood that after the Spring Festival this year, ceramic machinery industry competition will increase......


  • Mechanical equipment longevity tips2015-12-23

    The high cost of general construction equipment, so we have to take good care of construction machinery, engineering machinery prolong life......


  • Ceramic machinery destocking shall look at the As.2015-12-23

    Vietnam is relatively weak manufacturing countries throughout the early industry of Vietnam is to rely on Chinese and Soviet aid began accumulated. From the beginning of the 90s of last century, after another China, China Taiwan, Korea, Japanese companies to invest in Vietnam. Japan's major investment in Vietnam's motorcycle industry; China Taiwan more in the plastic machinery and packaging machinery; South Korean investment in the real estate industry a little more, and then later have some manufacturing to enter. Especially in South Vietnam, all are relying on imported manufacturing equipment...


  • China's machinery industry in mid-2014 will maint.2015-12-23

    This year China Machinery Industry endogenous response capabilities will gradually increase, the industry is expected to maintain double-digit growth, export growth will be about 8%......


  • Four issues ceramic machinery manufacturer that e.2015-12-23

    Why must the irreparable, only to find agents in a serious debt problem? Why does the dealer seemingly brilliant sales performance while moving, not a sober assessment of what the future may arise debt crisis? Why not all agents to carry out the long-term standard, professional debt management practices training? Why did not the market share of specialized research institutions, correlation risk and debt sales target?...


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